2023 Global TapRooT® Summit Keynote Speaker: Frank Abagnale (Catch Me If You Can)

Frank Abagnale: 2023 Closing Speaker

Do you remember the blockbuster movie “Catch Me If You Can” starring Leonardo DiCaprio?
Of course, a Hollywood movie wasn’t Frank’s real life. Here is Frank Abagnale presenting his own story at a Google Talk…
What Will Frank Abagnale Present at the Summit?
The talk is The Art of the Steal.
Are you interested in cyber security? Cyberspace has spawned a skyrocketing number of ways to commit a crime — much of it untraceable. Frank Abagnale shows how to identify and outsmart perpetrators of fraud, delving deeper into business topics, including check forgery and the identification and prevention of other kinds of fraud.
Abagnale reveals that punishment for committing fraud, much less recovery of stolen funds, seldom happens. Prevention is the best form of protection. Frank will show you how to defend yourself and your business against even the craftiest crooks.
Make sure you schedule your flight so you can hear this informative talk and meet Frank face-to-face. (Frank is the closing Keynote Speaker on April 28 from 11-12 … so don’t miss his talk!)
2023 Global TapRooT® Summit Info
Want more info about the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit being held at the Margaritaville Lake Resort, Lake Conroe, near Houston, Texas, on April 24-28? Then CLICK HERE for more info.
I get that Frank Abagnale is a winsome and entertaining speaker, but doesn’t it bother you a little bit that he invented 95% of his con man exploits? That he’s essentially made his living telling a lie? Being associated with a petty criminal, albeit a good storyteller, does no credit to TapRoot. (Check the book by Alan Logan and Pretend podcast series).
He did his time in some pretty unsavory prisons in Europe and then in the USA.
He doesn’t promote living the way he did and he helps people prevent fraud now.
I think everyone deserves a second chance.