September 5, 2024 | Susan Napier-Sewell

What’s More Important Than Improving Performance & Saving Lives in Your Workplace?

saving lives

Make a list of what’s essential for your workers & your workplace. Where do performance & the value of saving lives rank?

The values of performance and saving lives should rank very high in your hierarchy, right? A TapRooT® colleague observed this, “Every worker is essential. Make sure they all return home safely.” Absolutely. 

Listen to TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis professionals Mark Paradies and Benna Hughes in the video below as they relate how TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis can deliver the critical help you need in the topic, “What’s More Important Than Improving Performance & Saving Lives in Your Workplace?”

Before or after you tune in to the video, discover more about how your people can expand their expertise through the best RCA training available:

TapRooT® training, software, investigation support, and implementation and post-implementation assistance are for companies that can’t afford second-best when solving mission-critical problems that could:

Save lives
Prevent serious injuries
Stop environmental damage
Avoid significant quality issues
Eliminate costly equipment downtime

Here are Mark and Benna discussing saving lives and improving performance with examples from TapRooT® Users.

TapRooT® is global to meet your needs

Please see our full selection of courses.

If you would like us to teach a course at your workplace, please reach out to discuss what we can do for you, or call us at 865.539.2139.

Stay engaged with your skills and training: Follow along on our blog; listen to our Video Sessions; connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, and YouTube.


Why is TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis the top RCA training? 

TapRooT® has been designed for investigating seemingly simple problems that could have been worse (precursor incidents) by using a simple 5-step process. TapRooT® can also be used to investigate major accidents by using the complete 7-step process.

Courses & Training, Root Cause Analysis
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One Reply to “What’s More Important Than Improving Performance & Saving Lives in Your Workplace?”

  • Becky Marambio says:

    Every worker is essential. Make sure they all return home safely. Great tips to enhance your performance improvement program to make sure all of your employees return to work the next day!

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