Instructor’s Perspective of a Virtual TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course
Virtual TapRooT® RCA Course
What does a Virtual TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course look like from the instructor’s perspective? These pictures should give you an idea.
You can tell that the instructor’s perspective is much different in a virtual course than the live, in-person course. And that’s one of the reasons that we didn’t just teach the virtual course like a regular 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course.
What Did We Do To Make Our Virtual Training Effective?
First, we decided that you couldn’t teach as much in a day. Students can’t pay attention to virtual training as easily as they can live training. Therefore we shortened the day by an hour and added more breaks.
Next, we worked to make the course more interactive even though it is virtual. We ask more questions and interact with the students in quizzes and exercises. That’s why we have the students’ cameras on a screen so that the instructor can watch their reactions and see them raise their hands.
Because we needed to use the TapRooT® Software to teach the virtual course, we also had to add some instruction on the software as part of the course. This helps the virtual trainee leave the course as a better TapRooT® Software User.
We also chose a virtual training platform that we could have group exercises. This allows team to work on exercises as they would in a live course.
Finally, we added an extra “exercise” to the course. When the students have completed the course and return to work, they have a 30 minute review with the instructor of their first use of the TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis System. This gives then one more chance to reinforce the learning in the course reviewing the students actual use of the system.
Thus, the 3-Day Virtual TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course is really a whole, new course. That’s why once we had the course developed and tested, we certified all of our instructors to teach the new course. This was considerable work, but we thought it was worthwhile.
Perhaps that’s why even with people from all over the world in a virtual course, TapRooT® Training just plain works.
Attend a Virtual Public Course or Hold a Course Just for Your Folks
We filled all three of the pre-Summit Public 3-Day Virtual TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Courses coming up on June 13-15. But we have more scheduled later in the year. Seen the course dates and times (pick one for your time zone) at THIS LINK.
Want a course just for your folks at a time that you pick? CLICK HERE to contact us and schedule your course.
Don’t wait! Our capacity to hold these virtual courses is limited by our certified instructors and classroom studios. Get registered or contact us now to get your course scheduled.