Learn How to Become More Efficient and Reduce Risk by Using TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis

Eliminating Waste and Risk Using Lean and TapRooT® RCA
In this session, learn how TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis utilized the hierarchy to eliminate waste and risk by identifying wasteful tasks. Session attendees will see a few examples of how this was accomplished by addressing causal factors, identifying corrective actions, and how it all works together to improve human performance.
If you are looking for new ways to become more efficient, eliminate waste, and reduce risk at your company, this session is right for you! Join us at the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit May 1 – 3. This session occurs Friday, May 3, 2024, at 9:00 AM. Make sure you schedule your return flights home after the Summit ends on Friday at noon. You won’t want to miss everything the Summit has to offer.
Attend the Summit
Learn this new technique and help test it at the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit being held on May 1-3 at the Horseshoe Bay Resort near Austin, Texas.
This session is in the Improving Investigations & Root Cause Analysis Track. But you can customize your schedule and attend this session when you sign up for any of the seven tracks.
What are the seven Best Practice Tracks at the 2024 Global Summit? CLICK HERE to review them.
Get more Summit information by CLICKING HERE.
See the seven Keynote Speakers topics HERE.

Download the eight page Summit Brocure by CLICKING HERE.
See the complete Summit schedule at THIS LINK.
Learn about the 11 special pre-Summit Courses being held on April 29-30 (just prior to the Summit) by CLICKING HERE.
SAVE when you attend both the Summit and a pre-Summit Course. Save even more when you bring a team (up to $800 per person).

REGISTER for a pre-Summit Course and the Summit by CLICKING HERE. And sellect the “ICBM Part 2: Advanced Casual Factor Techniques” session to learn the new way to identify Causal Factors.