May 6, 2024 | Mark Paradies

2024 Global TapRooT® Summit – In Review

TapRooT® Summit

What Did the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit Look Like?

Here are some pictures and comments by me about the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit.

Pre-Summit Courses

The pre-Summit Courses received wonderful reviews. Here are some pictures of the classes and from the participants…

Equifactor® Course Graduates
Equifactor® Course Graduates
Graduates from the Communication Classs
Graduates from the Communication Class
Amy and Tim Teaching
Amy and Tim Teaching
Inteviewing & Evidence Collection Course Graduates
Interviewing & Evidence Collection Course Graduates
Jim Whiting and the Risk Management Course
Fun During the Communicationn Class
Fun During the Communication Class

Summit – Opening Session – The Name Game

The start of the Summit includes a networking event called the Name Game.

Summit – The Reception

Fun and meeting new people…

reception 2024

Summit – The Advisory Board Dinner

Great discussions and food…

Summit – Best Practice Breakout Sessions

There were seven best practice tracks with 42 sessions. Here are pictures from some of them…


Summit – Keynote Speakers

Karl shared leadership lessons from his football career.

Karl Mecklenburg

Erika discussed personality types and aviation accidents.

Erika Armstrong
Erika Armstrong

Betsy inspired attendees to be their best selves.

Betsy Allen-Manning
Betsy Allen-Manning

Amy concluded the “Aligning Your Improvement Activities With Managements’ Goals to Achieve Total Management Support “ keynote address.

Amy Souders
Amy Souders

Dan Verlinde presented the newest updates to the TapRooT® Software.

Dan Verlinde
A Picture from Dan’s Presentation

2025 Global TapRooT® Summit

The 2025 Global TapRooT® Summit will be held in Knoxville, Tennessee. The pre-Summit Courses will be held on September 29-30, and the summit will be held on October 1-3.

Watch for upcoming announcements and the update of the Summit website.

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