The 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course focuses on the essential TapRooT® Techniques needed to investigate low-to-medium risk incidents and precursor incidents. Our 5-Step investigation Process simplifies TapRooT® to make the investigation efficient yet effective. The training focuses on understanding what happened, identifying Causal Factors, analyzing the Causal Factors using the Root Cause Tree®, and developing effective fixes using the Corrective Action Helper® Guide.
Attendees should bring an incident from their facility for a team exercise. These may be either written reports or they may have knowledge of an incident with no written report. We divide into teams of 2-4 people and have each team analyze a different problem during the course.
Day 1 (8:00am to 5:00pm) | Day 2 (8:00am to 4:00pm) |
Course materials we provide:
Upon completion of the course, attendees will receive a certificate of completion and a 90-Day Subscription to TapRooT® Personal Software, our dynamic online software that guides you through the TapRooT® process with ease and efficiency.
Continuing Education Units (CEU): When completing a 2-Day receive 16 credit hours for the 2-Day TapRooT® Training Course. These hours can be applied to your certifying institution for credit hours/CEUs.
Attend this course, go back to work, and use what you have learned to analyze accidents, incidents, near-misses, equipment failures, operating issues, or quality problems. If you don’t find root causes that you previously would have overlooked and if you and your management don’t agree that the corrective actions that you recommend are much more effective, just return your course materials and we will refund the entire course fee.