Do You Know Why Your Maintenance Technicians Make Human Errors?

Why Can’t Maintenance Technicians Be More Careful and Stop Making Human Errors?

Maintenance Technicians and Human Error: Did you…
- Counsel your technicians to be careful?
- Give them a pre-job brief?
- Tell them to stop if they were unsure?
- Make sure they had the standard maintenance technician training?
and they still made a mistake? They just aren’t trying hard enough! Looks like it’s time for discipline. What else do you have in your bag of tricks to get better human performance?
If the paragraph above seems familiar, perhaps you need to know more about WHY maintenance technicians make mistakes … human errors … and what you can do to improve your maintenance and reliability programs. Then read on for two ideas to improve maintenance performance and your reliability program.
The Biggest Cause of Failed Equipment: Maintenace Technicians Making Human Errors

Would it surprise you to learn that over 85% of equipment failures were caused by human errors? Errors made by:
- Maintenance Technicians/Mechanics/Pipefitters…
- Operators
- Engineers or even
- Supervisors
And we have found that over 95% of people investigating equipment failures have NO TRAINING about human factors (the science of why people make mistakes).
Why Do Maintenance Technicians Make Mistakes?

Would you like to know why maintenance technicians (or others) make mistakes (human errors)? If the answer is “Yes!” then you need to attend one of our TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Courses.
They will teach you how to find the root causes of human errors that cause equipment failures. The 2-Day Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting and TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course is focused on the equipment failure side of things and is designed for people with an interest in equipment troubleshooting and equipment failure analysis. The next course is being held on April 24-25, just before the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit (being held at the Margaritaville Lake Resort near Houston, Texas). CLICK HERE to register.

More Details About the 2-Day Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting and TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course
Imagine the downtime prevented and money saved by using true first-time fixes and NOT having repeat equipment failures. To do this, you need effective equipment troubleshooting and accurate root cause analysis. If this sounds interesting (and worthwhile), then Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting & TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis is for you.
The 2-Day Equifactor® Course teaches Heinz Bloch’s troubleshooting techniques combined with the TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Techniques for finding the problems’ root causes.
The tools you will learn include:
- Equifactor® Troubleshooting Tables – a systematic guide to troubleshooting common equipment problems. Don’t guess – prove!
- Evidence collection – don’t lose the data! Develop a troubleshooting plan to capture all failure symptoms.
- Failure modes/failure agents – there are only four ways a physical component can fail. Don’t FRETT, build the equipment failure narrative (hint, it’s never just a single-point failure)
- Process Troubleshooting – with Equifactor®, component, and machine problems are just the basics. Objectively analyze production system and process failures!
- Proactive Improvement – true solutions are always proactive, even if they’re motivated by failure. If you truly fix a problem, failures don’t recur!
- SnapCharT® Diagram – You have to understand what happened before you can understand why it happened – And that’s what a SnapCharT® Diagram is all about.
- Advanced Root Cause Analysis – Use the TapRooT® Root Cause Tree® Diagram and Dictionary to go beyond your current knowledge and find the root causes of equipment and human performance problems.
The course materials include the book, Using Equifactor® Troubleshooting Tools and TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis to Improve Equipment Reliability, a TapRooT® Root Cause Tree®, the Root Cause Tree® Dictionary, and the Corrective Action Helper® Guide, a $129 value. The book includes a complete set of Heinz Bloch’s troubleshooting tables.

Upon course completion, attendees receive a certificate and a 90-day subscription to TapRooT® VI Software, our dynamic cloud-based software that computerizes Equifactor® and TapRooT® Techniques.
The Equifactor® Course is GUARANTEED:
Attend this course, go back to work, and use what you have learned to troubleshoot equipment failures and develop corrective actions. If you don’t find root causes that you previously would have overlooked and if you and your management don’t agree that the corrective actions that you recommend are much more effective, just return your course materials/software and we will refund the entire course fee.
CLICK HERE for the complete course outline. CLICK HERE to register.
EVEN MORE – The 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit Equipment Reliability Best Practice Track

But there is even more. Would you like to learn equipment reliability tips from around the world? Then after the 2-Day Equifactor® Course on April 24-25, you should stay for the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit and attend the Equipment Reliability Best Practices Track being organized by Justin Clark and being held on April 26-28.
Justin will present the talk: “Supercharging Reliability.” Other talks in the track include:
- Equifactor® Success at Tucson Electric | Gary Gardner
- Cross–Disciplinary Troubleshooting | Ken Reed
- Equifactor® Symposium | Ken Reed & Justin Clark
- Change Analysis Exercise | Justin Clark
- Reliability Planning & Execution | Ron Eierman
- Building a Roadmap to Success | Rick Hulse
- Swimming Upstream: Real-World Troubleshooting | Mark Olson
- How Admiral Rickover Built the First High-Reliability Organization | Mark Paradies
These are great sessions to make your maintenance and reliability efforts even more effective after you attend the 2-Day Equifactor® Course. However, if you want to change things up and choose some topics from the other seven tracks, you can pick from those topics and customize your Summit experience. See the other tracks HERE. See the complete Summit schedule HERE.
Plus, there are five excellent Keynote Speakers that will motivate you and share important tips to improve performance at your company.

And the five days at the Margaritaville Lake Resort (Lake Conroe – near Houston) is a great place to relax after you learn. Here are some of the things you can do after hours at the course and the Summit…
Maybe you could bring your spouse to enjoy the resort while you are learning? CLICK HERE to register in the room block and save.
Don’t Wait and Miss This Chance To Improve Your Maintenance Performance & Reliability Program
The combination of pre-Summit Courses and the Summit only happens once a year (April 24-28). And the Margaritaville Lake Resort is a great place to attend this training and conference. So what do you need to do? Don’t Wait!
For the Summit and the 2-Day Equifactor® Course.
When you register for the Summit and a pre-Summit Course, you SAVE $300 OFF the course fee.
Looking forward to seeing you there.