How Do You Evaluate a Root Cause Analysis?: A TapRooT® TV Video Premiere

How Do You Evaluate a Root Cause Analysis? Considering so many root cause analysis programs exist out there the best way is to know what makes a great system.
With a quick internet search, users can discover several tools that exist to determine the root cause of an incident such as the Ishikawa diagram, Fishbone diagram, Five whys, Pareto chart, Fault tree analysis, and Scatter plot. The problem is many of these tools do not offer the structured guidance unique to TapRooT®.
This structured guidance is what makes TapRooT® effective and allows multiple investigators to reach the same root causes using TapRooT®. No more investigation bias coming up with their own assumptions or reaching different conclusions – instead, TapRooT® has built-in investigation grading which will give you the most effective investigation and analysis to what actually went wrong and the simple, easy-to-use system to prevent further incidents and save lives!
Watch Tim Diggs and Emily Pritt as they discuss this topic
TapRooT® TV premieres LIVE on Wednesdays at noon, on Facebook and YouTube.
You may also listen to the conversation on the TapRooT® podcast.
TapRooT® is an advanced & proven system
At TapRooT® we have developed a patented system to define, analyze and fix the root causes of problems to prevent major accidents, quality issues, equipment failures, and environmental damage.
Over 30 years ago, we started with research into human performance and the best incident investigation and root cause analysis tools. We put the knowledge we gained to build a systematic investigation process and tools with a coherent investigation philosophy. This process helps people who have never had extensive human factors training investigate human errors and equipment performance issues, find the real root causes, and fix them with effective corrective actions.
To learn more we encourage you to contact us to schedule a complimentary Executive Briefing!
Join us every week for the TapRooT® TV video premiere
The premiere of new TapRooT® TV videos on Wednesdays is at noon, on Facebook and YouTube. You may also listen to the conversation on the TapRooT® podcast. Of course, you may always listen/watch at your convenience via these links, even if you miss the Wednesday premiere.
Register for a TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training Course
TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training courses are taught all over the world. If you are interested in learning how to stop repeat incidents, find a 2-day or 5-day course. We are available to train you and your staff on-site at your workplace; contact us to discuss your needs. You may also call us at 865.539.2139.