Getting to the true root causes: TapRooT® Training, April 24-28, CAPA/Continuous Improvement Track

Pharmaceutical manufacturers, medical device manufacturers, and food suppliers . . . are your investigations and root cause analysis of noncompliance and manufacturing issues getting to the true root causes? because, if not, you may end up with failed corrective and preventive actions (CAPA).
We want to help you have a superior CAPA System, including a process to get to the real root causes, so we’ve added the CAPA and Continuous Improvement Track at the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit to help you achieve success in your program.
Where and when is this great opportunity offered? At the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit, Lake Conroe-Houston, Texas, April 24-28.
The CAPA and Continuous Improvement Track has something for everyone, but especially for those trying to improve their CAPA program.
Some highlights from the track will be:
- Jake Locklear from GE Atlantic Plant Maintenance, teaching us how to set goals and develop performance measures.
- Barb Carr will teach us three skills to Take your Investigations to the Next Level. Your investigation will only be as good as the data collected. This course will help you learn how to be the best at gathering the evidence for your TapRooT® Investigation. We often hear from companies that they could be better at completing this critical portion of their investigations so this is a great opportunity to develop those skills.
- Kevin McManus presents Using Advanced Root Cause Analysis to improve your CAPA PROGRAM. Kevin will share how to use your root cause analysis process to help people effectively meet the goals of their Quality Management System. In this presentation, real-life work examples are used to help explore the differences between effective corrective and preventive actions to help you avoid citations, fines, warning letters, or even recalls. We want to help you meet the expectations of regulators such as the FDA, OSHA, and CCOHS.
We’re always working on our courses; here are some implementations for improvement.
-Sharing of Best Practices: Benna Hughes and Heidi Reed will be facilitating this session. Come ready to share a CAPA Best Practice from your experience and be ready to learn from others. Best practice sharing is one of the powerhouse features of the Global TapRooT® Summit. We’d want you to put some thought into this before you attend and be ready to share!
Those are just a few of the amazing CAPA and Continuous Improvement Sessions that will be at the Global TapRooT® Summit coming up April 26-28 (pre-Summit Sessions will be held April 24-25) at the Margaritaville Resort – Lake Conroe near Houston, Texas.
Register today, download the brochure, and get ready for a week of fun, learning, networking, and sharing of best practices with TapRooT® users from around the world!!