How Do You Stop Repeat Equipment Failures? Use Equifactor®

Do you need to efficiently and effectively find the root causes of equipment failures to improve your facility’s equipment reliability?
Imagine the downtime prevented and money saved by NOT having to repeat equipment failures. If this sounds interesting (and worthwhile), then our completely revised Equifactor® course is for you.
Register now for an Equifactor® course (click the link and you will have many courses from which to choose).
The Equifactor® Techniques are based on the work of noted equipment reliability expert Heinz Bloch.
In two days (or if your company opts for an on-site Equifactor® course), you will learn how to use Equifactor® to troubleshoot equipment issues and find out what is leading to failures.
Then you will learn to use the TapRooT® System to organize the information you collect, identify the Causal Factors of the failure, and find the real root causes.
And you will learn to develop effective fixes to stop future failures.
Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting & TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis are powerful methods to ensure your machinery issues are correctly fixed the first time.
We apply Heinz Bloch’s troubleshooting techniques and the TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis System to understand and prevent equipment issues. This includes developing equipment troubleshooting plans, getting a clear picture of how the failure occurred, and identifying and fixing the root causes of the equipment issues.
Companies find there are significant savings when repeat equipment failures are eliminated.
Learn to use the Equifactor® and TapRooT® Techniques to troubleshoot equipment failures, pinpoint crucial information, find root causes, and develop corrective actions to stop the failures once and for all. These tools can be used by equipment troubleshooting experts, maintenance and equipment reliability specialists, or other investigators who don’t have an extensive understanding of equipment engineering.
Circumstances can crop up anywhere at any time if proper and safe sequence and procedures are not planned and followed. We encourage you to learn and use the TapRooT® System to find and fix problems.
TapRooT® has a team of investigators and instructors with years of extensive training ready to offer assistance worldwide. We also offer ongoing support to our clients through free newsletters and root cause tip videos, the root cause analysis blog, and our annual Global TapRooT® Summit.
Register for one of our courses. We offer a basic 2-day course and an advanced 5-day course.
Contact us to discuss training your employees on-site. You may also call us at 865.539.2139 to speak to an instructor, schedule an executive briefing, or book on-site training for your team. We’re here to find solutions for you.