How to Minimize Risk & Improve Safety

What is the Relationship Between Safety & Risk Management?
To improve safety, you must first evaluate risk. Risk is the chance or threat of negative occurrences like damage, injury, liability or loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by susceptibilities, and that may be avoided by preventative action. Safety and risk have an inverse relationship. To minimize the possibility of human error, we need to maximize risk management. If we minimize risk management, we maximize the possibility of human error.
How Can you Minimize Risk and Improve Safety?
The 2021 TapRooT® Global Summit in Knoxville, TN June 14-18 is how.
First, take advantage of the opportunity to attend the 2 Day Risk Management – Best Practices, ROBT Risk, & Opportunity Based Thinking Online, June 14-15, led by international risk management expert and long-time TapRooT® Instructor, Jim Whiting, during our pre-summit.
Next – register for the Improving Safety and Managing Risk Track at the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit, June 16-18, ,Knoxville, Tennessee.
The Safety and Risk Track will expose you to powerful best practice and general sessions such as:
- TapRooT® Best Practice Sharing from TapRooT® Users
- Sessions on Fatigue led by Darrell Graham and Dr Erin Flynn-Evans
- Learn Trending Techniques as well as How To STOP Normalization of Deviation from Mark Paradies
- What a Good Safety Meeting Looks Like by Brei Richardson
- Hazard Analysis & the Energy Wheel with Alex Paradies
- Injury-Proofing Your Employees with Body Education – Lori Frederic
and more!
Attend Virtually or In Person!
With in person or virtual attendance options, it has never been easier to attend the Global TapRooT® Summit. This will prove the best Improving Safety and Minimizing Risk track this year. Don’t miss it. I hope to see you there.
Learn more about the 2021 TapRooT® Global Summit or register for the Safety and Risk Management Track.