Introducing the TapRooT® Refresher Course

TapRooT® has designed a new course for previously trained TapRooT® Users to help mature their TapRooT® skills. The new “Refresher” course is more than a refresher. Sure, it will help refresh your skills, but it will also take you beyond what you have already learned in previous TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training.
What will you learn in the TapRooT® Refresher Course?
In your previous training, you learned about all the tools you use in a TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis. Here is how the refresher course will help you improve those skills:
Learn the best practices for organizing your SnapCharT® to make the entire process easier. Your SnapCharT® will be more organized and easier to understand. It will help make your investigation findings defensible which is important to HR, regulatory agencies, legal, your own clients, and unions. You’ll be able to easily pinpoint the evidence that led you to every root cause uncovered. It’s the backbone of the TapRooT® evidence-based RCA process which leverages human performance and equipment reliability expertise.
Causal Factors
Learn new techniques to identify the Causal Factors. Identifying those human errors or equipment failures that directly led to the incident or made it worse are extremely important to the process. If you get that wrong, you’ll end up trying to fix things that aren’t the real problem. That is frustrating and wasteful. It gives you a false sense of security and you will be surprised when you have a repeat incident. We’ll hone your skills and give you a new tool to help experienced and inexperienced investigators identify the true Causal Factors of incidents.
Root Cause Tree® and Dictionary
Learn the most expedient way to properly use the Root Cause Tree® and Dictionary to identify the root causes of every Causal Factor. That process will give you a comprehensive list of all the root causes of the incident. You don’t want to focus on the most obvious and not capture every opportunity to strengthen your systems by identifying and fixing all the root causes of the incident.
Corrective Action Helper®
All of the above brings us to the most important part of any investigation: eliminating the root causes of the problems that caused the incident. We will focus on using the Corrective Action Helper® to leverage the human performance expertise and proven best practices to fix the root causes which dramatically reduces the risk for a repeat incident. We also will take a look at what types of corrective actions are most effective in fixing the root causes so we rest easy knowing we did our job and made it more likely our people are safer and more successful in their work.
Final Group Exercise
The last exercise allows the TapRooT® Users and the instructor to critique a couple of the company’s past TapRooT® Investigations using the knowledge they acquired during the course. As a group, we’ll grade each phase of the investigation to identify strengths and weaknesses. We don’t do this to beat people up over past investigations, we do it to come up with strategies that will reinforce what is great and strategies that will address what is not great. It is an exercise that doesn’t have to end with the course. The TapRooT® Users will learn how to independently grade investigations for an on-going continuous improvement program. It is an excellent deliverable of the course.

Who should take this course?
This course is a must for companies who are committed to maturing their TapRooT® program. It should be made available to all TapRooT® Users that received their training prior to two years ago. The new best practices and tools that are covered in this course take it beyond a simple refresher course.
Attend virtually or schedule a course at your facility.
This course is offered in a virtual format and includes engagement techniques to keep the attendees in the moment and challenged. The attendees can attend the course from the comfort of their own home or workspace and still participate in group exercises. If you have the flexibility and prefer an onsite course, we will send the instructor to your site.