Is Your Root Cause Analysis from the Last Century?

Are You Ready for State-of-the-Art Root Cause Analysis?
Are you using root cause analysis techniques from the time of Aristotle? Or maybe from the late 1950s or early 1960s? Maybe it is time to start using modern, advanced, state-of-the-art root cause analysis that is flexible enough to investigate simple precursor incidents or complex major accidents or quality issues.
Award Winning Root Cause Analysis

The patented, state-of-the-art TapRooT® Software has won several awards including the Food Safety Solution Provider of 2021 from Food and Beverage Technology Review.
Find Out More About State-of-the-Art Root Cause Analysis
The best way to learn more about the state-of-the-art in root cause analysis is to attend a TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course. Where are public TapRooT® Courses being held?
- Denver
- Oklahoma City
- Las Vegas
- Orlando
- Lake Tahoe
- Calgary
- Houston
- Knoxville
- + More!
See the complete schedule for these courses HERE and the types of courses to choose from HERE. And learn about our virtual courses.

These courses will help you improve:
• Food Safety
• Product Quality
• Regulatory Performance
• Operational Excellence
• Equipment Reliability
• Industrial Safety/Ergonomics
With increased emphasis on high reliability in the food industry, you can’t settle for anything less than the best answers to your toughest problems.
Learn about the state-of-the-art TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training and the patented TapRooT® Software. Find out why it is used in high-reliability industries around the world.
But don’t wait! You can’t afford a major food safety incident or an FDA warning letter and fines. Improve now before trouble happens.
Find Out What Industry Leaders Around the World Are Doing

The TapRooT® ® Summit is the place to meet and network with industry leaders from around the world that are constantly improving the state-of-the-art in root cause analysis. Not just leaders in your industry, but a broad array of industries. And we make networking and best practice sharing fun!
Find out more about the Global TapRooT® Summit at THIS LINK.
See the pre-Summit Courses at THIS LINK.
See the Summit Keynote Speakers at THIS LINK.

And see the complete Summit schedule at THIS LINK.