Learning from Other Industries

Learning from Others
“Everyone you meet knows more about
at least one thing than you know.”
I saw the quote above on LinkedIn. It didn’t provide an attribution. But I thought back and found that most of what I know came from someone who knew something about something that I wasn’t aware of. Much of my learning came from others that were willing to share. I learned from other industries.

In 1993, the TapRooT® Manual was just three years old. The number of people we had trained was less than 2000. And yes, I looked that young…

But I’d already discovered that there where best practices from several industries that needed to be shared with other industries because they were not industry specific. Everyone could learn from someone else.
For example, best practices from…
- the nuclear industry could be shared with hospitals.
- refineries could be shared with airlines.
- Department of Energy facilities could be shared with oil companies.
- pharmaceutical manufactures could be share with nuclear plants.
- airlines could be shared with utilities.
- chemical plants could be shared with construction companies.
- warehouse facilities could be shared with miners.
- telecommunication companies could be shared with agricultural companies.
- food manufacturers could be shared with transit and railroads, and
- semiconductor manufacturers could be shared with paper mills.
Everyone had something to learn from everyone else. And that included our staff. We learned best practices that we could add to the TapRooT® System and ideas for what would eventually become the Corrective Action Helper® Module of the TapRooT® Software.
The first TapRooT® Summit (in 1994) was mainly people from the USA. But by 1995, we had participants from many countries outside the USA. People shared best practices from all over the world. And the learning grew.
What countries have been represented at the Global TapRooT® Summit?
- Canada,
- Australia,
- Tanzania,
- Saudi Arabia,
- England,
- Denmark,
- Russia,
- Mexico,
- UAE,
- Colombia,
- Scotland,
- Trinidad,
- France,
- Kenya,
- Norway,
- South Korea,
- New Zealand,
- Singapore,
- South Africa,
- Belgium,
- Brazil,
- Nigeria,
- The Netherlands,
- Sweden,
- Egypt,
- Thailand,
- Finland,
- Indonesia,
- UAE,
- Bolivia,
- Germany,
- Malaysia, and
- Peru.
That’s the countries that I remember off the top of my head. Sorry if I left anyone out.
What’s the point?
The Global TapRooT® Summit is the place to share and learn best practices from all over the world from many different industries. Things that YOU need to know. Things that will help your company stop accidents, incidents, quality issues, equipment reliability problems, and operational errors.

The point is that you need to be at the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit in Knoxville, TN, on June 14-18.
Virtual Summit
We know that networking is better if you attend the Summit and network face to face. We hope that COVID will have subsided by June … but we aren’t sure. Therefore, we are working on developing BOTH a face to face live Summit and a Virtual Summit. Register and you can attend the one that you choose.
We would prefer live attendance but we don’t know what travel restrictions, meeting restrictions, and company policies will be by then. And we don’t want you to miss all the best practices that you need to learn.
Watch for the details of the Virtual and Live TapRooT® Summit. We will have more details about both options in the coming weeks. Hopefully, by the end of February, we will post the details of the speakers, sessions, and technology behind the Virtual Global TapRooT® ® Summit. Then, you can register before March 14 to be eligible for the the early bird prize.
We will ask that you let us know by the middle of May which option you will choose. Then we look forward to seeing you either in person or virtually.