New Book Release! Troubleshoot Equipment Problems Effectively

Stop repeat equipment problems at your facility and learn to troubleshoot equipment issues effectively. Our new book, “Using Equifactor® Troubleshooting Tools and TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis to Improve Equipment Reliability,” by Ken Reed and Mark Paradies is now available in the TapRooT® Store.
[Buy the book.]
What’s inside?
- How to respond to an equipment failure
- Equipment failure troubleshooting process
- What happened? Draw a preliminary SnapCharT®
- Troubleshooting a failure
- Stop the investigation or is there more to learn?
- Find causal factors
- Find root causes using the Root Cause Tree®
- Developing fixes using the Corrective Action Helper®
- Repair equipment
- Equifactor® example
- Develop custom troubleshooting tables using the TapRooT® Software
- Proactive use of Equifactor®
Get the new book at an Equifactor® Course.
This course was recently updated and comes with the new book and workbook.
[Read the full course description.]
This is a great opportunity to get your maintenance personnel, equipment operators, and supervisors trained to increase equipment reliability at your plant.
We are excited to announce two upcoming public courses:
(View other opportunities in South America and Oceania)
There are limited seats so register early! Questions? Contact us!