November 21, 2022 | Susan Napier-Sewell

Recommended Practices for Electrification of Gas & Oil Facilities, IOGP


In 2021, IOGP established an Energy Transition Directorate to accelerate the implementation of low carbon projects and operations with industry-leading guidance.

The new IOGP Report is “Recommended practices for electrification of oil and gas facilities and Report 647″ and “Recommended practices for flare gas recovery systems.”

IOGP is the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, a global forum for members to identify and share best practices in safety, engineering, environment, security, engineering, health, and operations. The first two recommended practices from the IOGP Energy Transition Directorate have now been published. 

IOGP Report 653– Recommended practices for electrification of oil and gas facilities

This IOGP recommended practice provides recommendations for the electrification of oil and gas (and other petrochemical processing) facilities to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The use of electricity for shaft power (compression, pumping) and heat (fired heaters, boilers) allows the facility to use low/no carbon electricity to reduce GHG emissions from burning hydrocarbons.

IOGP Report 647 – Recommended practices for flare gas recovery systems

This IOGP Report focuses on continuous flaring sources in normal operations and address measures for source recovery, flare closure, and flare ignition. This Report has been developed to assist engineering and operations staff at production, refining, and petrochemical owners and operators, and engineering staff at design consultancies and at engineering, procurement, and construction contractors.

These Reports are available from the IOGP Publications Library

Photo credit: Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay.

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