Improve your Risk Assessment Process

Conduct better risk assessments by increasing your knowledge and using a proven, effective risk assessment process and tools! One such tool focused specifically on risk management is ISO 31000, Risk Management – Guidelines, which provides guidance and best practices for improving risk management. It works for companies of every size and across all industries.
We’re excited to announce that TapRooT® friend & expert, Jim Whiting, will be returning to the 2022 Global TapRooT® Summit to teach his popular PreSummit course, “Risk Management Best Practices and Opportunity Based Thinking” to help you improve your risk assessment process. Learn how to support your workers in making risk-intelligent decisions before they begin their work.

Jim is an international risk management expert and long-time TapRooT® Instructor. He was a contributory member of the committee that wrote the first international risk management standard ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management – Guidelines. It is now the USA Standard – ANSI/ASSP/ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management – Guidelines and CAN/CSA/ISO 31000. He knows much more than what’s in the risk management standard – don’t miss a chance to learn from a leading expert.

Stay after the Course and Join Us for the 2022 Global TapRooT® Summit
Stay after this PreSummit Course to meet more industry leaders in safety, quality, risk management, operational excellence, and equipment reliability. The 2022 Global TapRooT® Summit will be held May 4 – 6, 2022 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Knoxville is surrounded by mountains, rivers and lakes. Choose your outdoor adventure or relax and enjoy the Southern hospitality of this vibrant river city.