Benna & Mark Discuss Root Cause Whispers

Can You Hear the Root Cause Whispers?
Benna Hughes and Mark Paradies discuss what it means to be a Root Cause Whisperer.
How much do you need to know to “hear” root cause whispers?
This discussion is based on the article at:
Becoming a Root Cause Whisperer…
You must understand the fundamentals of root cause analysis and learn the advanced features of TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis.
Do you need advanced training to become an advanced TapRooT® User?
Attend one of our public 5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Courses. See the dates and locations at
Attend the 2020 Global TapRooT® Summit and Learn Even More!
The TapRooT® Summit is a great way to learn advanced information about root cause analysis and incident investigation and to network with root cause whisperers.
Get more Summit info at: