TapRooT® for Healthcare

TapRooT® saves lives by helping your healthcare team to improve tomorrow's outcomes, and by providing comprehensive training and tools for incident investigation, root cause analysis, and effective corrective action implementation.

Patient safety and infection control are not optional.

If the quality of patient care is your concern, you need to consider advanced root cause analysis – TapRooT® – to improve patient safety.  

Some approaches to root cause analysis have left health care professionals dissatisfied. Advanced root cause analysis – TapRooT® – has been applied by industry-leading healthcare organizations to improve patient safety. Find out how they learned to improve performance by attending TapRooT® Training.


    • Patient safety improvement.
    • Preventing hospital-acquired infections and other “never events.”
    • Eliminating medication errors.
    • Accreditation reviews and incident reporting requirements.
    • Preventing staff injuries and needle sticks.
    • Worker Comp claims.
    • Billing errors.
    • Quality issues.
    • Equipment failures.
    • Facility maintenance issues that cause expensive downtime.

TapRooT® is your Quality Assurance and Process Improvement tool. TapRooT® reporting is accepted by the Joint Commission. Web-based software leads teams through the TapRooT® process and makes data trending and sharing easier.

Patient safety book helps stop repeat incidents!

The TapRooT® Patient Safety Book Set is available in our online store. Authored by Ken Turnbull and Mark Paradies, the book provides healthcare professionals with knowledge of advanced root cause analysis: the TapRooT® System. TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis can be used to investigate and prevent repeat sentinel events reactively or proactively to improve performance by finding and fixing a problem’s root causes before a medical error occurs.

About the Authors

Ken Turnbull started his career in fire safety, engineering, industrial safety, and process safety in the chemical and oil industry. After retiring as Corporate Safety Manager for Texaco (where he used TapRooT® RCA), Ken became a TapRooT® Instructor. Since then, he has helped people around the world improve their root cause analysis and stop repeat problems, including training over 500 healthcare professionals to use TapRooT® to stop patient safety events. His wife is a retired nurse practitioner, and his sister is an emergency medical physician – relationships that helped drive his interest in patient safety.

Mark Paradies has 38 years of experience in high-reliability organizations, process safety, incident investigation, and root cause analysis. His career started as a leader in Admiral Rickover’s Nuclear Navy (where he earned Engineer Qualification). He also worked for DuPont in the areas of human factors, process safety, and performance improvement management before he started System Improvements. In 1993, after his mother suffered from a sentinel event, he started System Improvements’ efforts to improve patient safety.

Purchase the book set here.

TapRooT® - Changing the Way the World Solves Problems

Root Cause Analysis is a critical part of your management system. TapRooT® was built (and is continuously improved) to help your facility meet the ever-increasing demands for improved patient safety, infection control, efficiency, regulatory compliance, patient satisfaction, and employee safety. See how we can help you meet these challenges.


Your people can be world-class problem-solvers after attending TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis training,

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Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your problem solvers and analyze your root cause data to discover system issues, using the patented TapRooT® Software.

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Root Cause Analysis Facilitation and Consulting

Need help with a difficult or politically sensitive investigation? We can support your efforts with our experienced engineers/experts.

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Root Cause Analysis Implementation and Strategy

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Take advantage of our experienced TapRooT® experts to help you design your performance improvement initiative.

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The TapRooT® System enables professionals across a variety of occupations to become better at solving problems within their organization. Find out how TapRooT can be a helpful tool in your career.


Improve process performance, minimize errors and stop customer complaints and regulatory issues by using the TapRooT System.

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Create a safer workplace by fixing the root causes of incidents and proactively finding and fixing problems before an accident occurs.

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Accidental releases can be an environmental nightmare. Use TapRooT® to proactively prevent the next big release.

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Equipment Reliability

Use Equifactor® for effective troubleshooting and root cause analysis to stop repeat equipment failures and keep your equipment running at peak performance.

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