Patient Safety

Patient Safety Professionals need TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis to find and fix the real root causes of sentinel events without placing blame.

TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis for Patient Safety

TapRooT® does what common root cause analysis fails to do.

Lucian Leap published “To Err is Human” in 1999 and provided the shocking estimate that up to 98,000 Americans die each year as a result of medical errors. Despite efforts to improve patient safety, including attempts using basic root cause analysis tools in the healthcare setting, these numbers of deaths are now estimated to be even higher – perhaps 200,000 people per year die or are significantly injured because of mistakes made during care. What can patient safety professionals do to make significant improvements in patient safety and the quality of care? To start with, health care professionals can adopt best practices from other industries that have been proven to improve human performance. This includes advanced root cause analysis – TapRooT®.

But TapRooT® isn’t completely new to the healthcare field. The Military Healthcare System adopted TapRooT® to use around the world. Other hospitals have been applying TapRooT® successfully to their sentinel event investigations. And The Joint Commission accepts TapRooT® Investigation Reports as part of their voluntary reporting program. See one of the healthcare success stories from an actual user to the left.

Why not test TapRooT® at your facility and see how much improvement you can achieve?


  • Eliminating “never events.”
  • Stopping sentinel events.
  • Improving human performance in the complex hospital care environment.
  • Explaining the causes of sentinel events to doctors and hospital administrators.
  • Improving patient care.
  • Reducing staff injuries.
  • Reducing hospital acquired infections.
  • Achieving outstanding accreditation and Leap Frog ratings.
  • Reducing malpractice insurance costs and minimizing errors that result in lawsuits.

TapRooT® - Changing the Way the World Solves Problems

Root Cause Analysis is a critical part of your management system. TapRooT® was built (and is continuously improved) to help your company meet the ever increasing demands for improved quality of care, patient safety, environmental stewardship, efficiency, regulatory compliance, and employee safety. See how we can help you meet these challenges.


Your people can be world-class problem solvers after attending TapRooT® root cause analysis training,

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Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your problem solvers and analyze your root cause data to discover system issues using the patented TapRooT® Software.

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Root Cause Analysis Facilitation and Consulting

Identify the root cause of problems within your company and develop solutions using TapRooT®’s 7-Step Investigation Process.

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Root Cause Analysis Implementation and Strategy

Need help with a difficult or politically sensitive investigation? We can support your efforts with our experienced engineers/experts.

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The TapRooT® System enables companies across a variety of industries to become better at solving problems within their organization. Find out how TapRooT® can be a helpful tool for your company.

Health Care

Recent studies have show that between 100,000 to 200,000 people each year either die or lose significant function because of medical mistakes. Many have shown concern that the standard root cause analysis efforts aren’t improving patient safety. Improving patient safety is an important initiative and advanced root cause analysis (TapRooT®) has an important part to play in saving lives and preventing injuries by finding the fixable causes of human error without placing blame.

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Pharmaceuticals & Drugs

Both manufacturing quality and safety are important initiatives in the pharmaceutical industry. TapRooT® can help your company meet strict FDA standards for analysis of out of specification batches, bacterial contamination, mislabeling issues, or drug deterioration while in the supply pipeline. Avoid drug recalls and the black-eye from negative press coverage. In addition, improve safety performance by applying TapRooT® to stop fatalities, significant injuries, and lost time injuries.

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Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage

Food & Beverage industries face increasing regulatory oversight as a result of food-borne illness that received considerable press coverage. You don’t want your company to be on page one of The Wall Street Journal after an outbreak of listeria or salmonella. TapRooT® can help you analyze the root causes of bacterial contamination or cleanliness issues. In addition, TapRooT® can help you improve your safety performance and prevent serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs) and ergonomic injuries.

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