Process Safety

Process Safety improvement depends on effective root cause analysis of precursor incidents.

Process Safety Improvement Using TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis

Make your investigations of precursor incidents and accidents effective by applying TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis. 

Why hasn’t process safety improved more since the regulations were published more than 25 years ago? Could it be that people are applying ineffective common root cause tools to learn from their process safety experiences rather than applying advanced root cause analysis – TapRooT®? You might think that low consequence process safety incidents don’t deserve more than asking “why’ 5 times. But these low consequence process safety incidents are precursors of much more significant high consequence process safety accidents. Failing to find and fix all the root causes of these lower consequence incidents is failing to fix the causes of your next big accident. That is why using TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis is so important to process safety professionals.

But here is the real kicker … using TapRooT® to investigate low consequence process safety incidents is not much more work overall than doing a simple 5-Why analysis. Yet it yields superior results!

Attend our 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course and see how TapRooT® can be applied simply and effectively to investigate precursor process safety incidents.


  • Complying with process safety regulations.
  • Performing effective root cause analysis of process safety precursor incidents and accidents.
  • Preventing the injuries and loss of life common with major process safety accidents.
  • Preventing the adverse environmental impacts of inadvertent releases of chemicals.
  • Presenting the causes of complex process safety incidents to management and employees.
  • Avoiding the negative press and regulatory oversight that accompanies major process safety incidents.
  • Achieving process safety excellence.

TapRooT® - Changing the Way the World Solves Problems

Root Cause Analysis is a critical part of your management system. TapRooT® was built (and is continuously improved) to help your company meet the ever increasing demands for improved safety, environmental stewardship, efficiency, regulatory compliance, and customer satisfaction. See how we can help you meet these challenges.


Your people can be world-class problem solvers after attending TapRooT® root cause analysis training,

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Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your problem solvers and analyze your root cause data to discover system issues using the patented TapRooT® Software.

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Root Cause Analysis Facilitation and Consulting

Need help with a difficult or politically sensitive investigation? We can support your efforts with our experienced engineers/experts.

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Root Cause Analysis Implementation and Strategy

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Take advantage of our experienced TapRooT® experts to help you design your performance improvement initiative.

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The TapRooT® System enables companies across a wide variety of industries to become better at solving problems within their organization. In fact, we’ve never seen an industry that couldn’t use TapRooT® to improve root cause analysis. See the examples below.

Refining & Chemicals

There is constant pressure to improve safety, reliability, and efficiency in the refining and chemical industries. Whether you are improving process safety, industrial safety, equipment reliability, or operating performance, TapRooT® can help. TapRooT® has been proven to help industry leaders improve process safety (prevent major accidents) and reduce significant injuries and fatalities. In addition, TapRooT® can help you improve equipment reliability by applying the Equifactor® Troubleshooting Tables.

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Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas

You don’t want your company on the nightly news with a picture of oil escaping from your well. Preventing blowouts, fatalities, and significant injuries is a key management priority throughout the oil and gas industry. TapRooT® can help your company excel in safety performance by helping you analyze precursor incidents and prevent major accidents and injuries. In addition, TapRooT®’s Equifactor® Troubleshooting Tables can help improve equipment reliability and improve cost and schedule performance.

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