TapRooT® & Cority: A Great Software Partnership for Root Cause Analysis (2020), a TapRooT® TV Video Premiere

TapRooT® has an exciting new partnership with Cority, a trusted EHSQ software solutions provider.
Tune in Wednesdays at 2:00 pm to hear a great discussion via TapRooT® TV. Access YouTube or Facebook Live to be in on the latest topic and news.
The video premiere has passed but you can watch the video about the new TapRooT® – Cority partnership here:
In this conversation, TapRooT® professional Michelle Wishoun is talking with Cority about our new partnership. You’ll hear how the third-party API integration enhances the opportunity for both companies to do what they do best.
With 30+ years of innovation and experience, Cority’s team of 500 experts serves more than 1,200 clients across 30 industries in 100 countries, supporting millions of end-users. TapRooT® Investigators and Cority’s clients now have the opportunity to navigate seamlessly between the two solutions during an incident investigation process. Find out more information about the TapRooT® – Cority partnership, or learn more about TapRooT® and Cority.
How to tune in to TapRooT® TV
We premiere new TapRooT® videos on Wednesdays, first on Facebook, and then at 1:00 pm EST on YouTube. For our weekly premiere, watch and chat live with other viewers as the upload is shown for the very first time. If you miss the live premiere, simply go to YouTube or Facebook Live to watch and learn.
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