Virtual Facilitation: A TapRooT® TV Video Premiere

Although TapRooT® was designed to be simple and thorough, sometimes extra help is needed
One way we can help is through facilitation. This could mean an extra set of eyes on the SnapCharT® from the team at TapRooT®, or by helping facilitate the process working with the investigation team leader or doing the investigation for you. For example, through facilitation we may discover the problem isn’t limited to the incident, but relates to how records are stored, or other honest overlooked processes.
Whether the investigation is complex or seems to be a bunch of little things, we are here for you. Facilitations can be carried out remotely using a virtual platform so help is just a mouse click or phone call away.
We are available to train you and your staff on-site at your workplace; contact us to discuss your needs. You may also call us at 865.539.2139.
TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training courses are taught all over the world. If you are interested in learning how to stop repeat incidents, find a 2-day or 5-day course.
Watch Tim Diggs and Benna Hughes as they discuss this topic
TapRooT® TV premieres on Wednesday at noon, on Facebook and YouTube.
You may also listen to the conversation on the TapRooT® podcast.
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Join us every week for the TapRooT® TV video premiere
The premiere of new TapRooT® TV videos on Wednesdays is at noon, on Facebook and YouTube. You may also listen to the conversation on the TapRooT® podcast. Of course, you may always listen/watch at your convenience via these links, even if you miss the Wednesday premiere.
Have You Made Your Plans for the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit
in Knoxville?
The Summit is being held the week of June 14-18 in Knoxville, TN. We will hopefully have a Live Summit (if COVID permits) and a Virtual Summit (for those that can’t travel because of COVID restriction). Therefore, you have no excuse to miss the 2021 Summit.
For complete information, see: