September 3, 2024 | Susan Napier-Sewell

What does a bad day look like? Tackled on the outfield

tackled on the outfield

Yes, we’re talking about baseball, so how could someone be “tackled on the outfield”? Did we get the sport wrong?

As it turns out, the man who was “tackled on the outfield” was trying to propose to his girlfriend, who was in the stands at a Dodgers game (Dodgers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks).

CBS News reported, “Video shows Ricardo Juarez running onto the outfield wearing Mookie Betts’ No. 50 jersey, dropping to one knee, pulling out a ring and proposing to his girlfriend in the stands. But the romantic gesture quickly turns violent when he is suddenly slammed by stadium security and tackled to the ground in a blindside hit. 

“Seconds later more security arrives pinning Juarez to the ground and handcuffing him. 

“‘That dude got leveled!'” one of the crowd members can be heard saying in the video before five security guards hoist Juarez up and escort him off the field – all to a standing ovation from the crowd.

“Thursday night’s proposal was not in vain though. “‘She said yes,'” Juarez wrote on Instagram, confirming what everyone who has seen the now-viral video was wondering.”

Content/video source: CBS News, “A Dodgers fan took to the outfield to propose to his girlfriend in the stands— then got tackled by security,” March 31, 2023.

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What Does a Bad Day Look Like?
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