TapRooT® RCA is Used in How Many Industries/Countries?

Where is TapRooT® RCA Used?
I was talking to someone in the medical industry recently, and they asked: “How many people in the medical industry use TapRooT®?” I gave them several examples of major healthcare systems that use TapRooT® RCA, but I thought … they asked the WRONG question.
The true value of a root cause analysis system is how many different places it is being used SUCCESSFULLY.

Note that this is not the same as if the system is used in a particular industry. It must be consistently used successfully. And if it is used successfully in many other industries and many countries, that proves even more that the system is useful and will probably be useful when applied at your company.
Where is TapRooT® RCA Consistently Used Successfully?
Where is TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis consistently used successfully?

All over the world. On every continent but Antarctica (we’ve not done a course there yet).
In what kind of industries? Try these:
- Oil & Gas Exploration & Production
- Refining
- Chemical Manufacturing
- Healthcare (Hospitals)
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Nuclear Power / Nuclear Fuels
- Utilities (Generation, and Transmission and Distribution)
- Auto Manufacturing
- Aggregates
- Mining (Iron, Gold, Diamonds, Copper, Coal, …)
- Aluminum
- Aviation (airlines and helicopters)
- Shipping
- Cosmetics
- Construction
- Data Security
- Nuclear Weapons
- Research Laboratories
- Mass Transit
- Regulatory Agencies
- Prisons
- Pulp & Paper
- Engineering
- Food & Drink
- Alcohol
- Security
- Recycling
- Aerospace Manufacturing
- Pipelines
- Agricultural Commodities
- Steel
- Forestry
- City Government
- General Manufacturing
- Telecommunications
- Airport Management
That’s a partial list.
Success Stories
Where can you read about the successful application of TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis in some of these industries? Try these success stories – CLICK HERE.

You will see examples of companies that saved lives, saved money, prevented injuries, improved service, made work more productive, and stopped the cycle of blame and punishment.
Also, you can attend the Global TapRooT® Summit held once a year and meet users from around the world and discuss their application of TapRooT® RCA to improve:
- Safety
- Quality
- Equipment Reliability
- Process Safety
- Productivity
The reason that industry leaders use TapRooT® RCA is that it works in such a wide variety of industries, countries, and applications.
Learn More at a Guaranteed Course
But don’t just believe the industry leaders. Attend one of our GUARANTEED courses. Guaranteed? That’s right. Here is our guarantee:
- Attend the course. Go back to work, and use what you have learned to analyze accidents, incidents, near-misses, equipment failures, operating issues, or quality problems. If you don’t find root causes that you previously would have overlooked and if you and your management don’t agree that the corrective actions that you recommend are much more effective, just return your course materials, and we will refund the entire course fee.
It’s that simple. Try to find a money-back guarantee like that anywhere else. We are so sure of your success that we guarantee it.
Don’t wait. Register for one of our root cause analysis courses today. For a list of upcoming public courses, CLICK HERE. Or, to schedule a course at your site, call us at 865-539-2139 or CLICK HERE.