Make a Resolution for Success in 2023

Do You Want to Learn From Failure, or Are You Ready to Make a Resolution for Success?
Success is simple.
Do what’s right,
the right way,
at the right time.
Jawaharial Nehru
For all senior leaders, picture this…
- Never having a major accident – EVER
- No fatalities
- Crisis management eliminated
- Reliable equipment that doesn’t fail when you need it the most
- No major cost overruns
- No major schedule slippages
- Happy clients that don’t complain about quality issues
The only way to accomplish this vision is by systematically and proactively improving. Reactive improvement, while necessary, will never get you to this picture of success.
So, to get to the picture of success, you will have to make a resolution to be proactive.
Start with a Vision
If you say this picture of success described above is impossible, you are probably right. Because unless you have the vision of success and resolve to be proactive, you can’t achieve it.
Where do you start? Read:
TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Leadership Lessons
I talked to a VP who read the book, and they said they were surprised at how readable and informative the book was.
I’m always surprised how many managers implement improvement programs that include TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis without attempting to achieve a vision of success first.
What do we recommend? Once you have a vision, develop a roadmap to success.
Roadmap to the Vision

A vision of success is great, but how do you get there? You need a roadmap.
Above is an example of an implementation roadmap for a successful TapRooT® implementation.
A roadmap for your company will be different than the one above. Why? Because your company has different needs. Your company probably is at a different point in its improvement journey. Your company probably has a slightly different vision of success.
That’s why we have our TapRooT® Implementation Experts who work with companies to develop their roadmaps.

Before you start developing your roadmap, there is another book you should read:
TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Implementation
The book includes a checklist (and a description of every item on the checklist) to help you achieve improvement success.

Reading the book and having discussions with your implementation expert is a great way to start developing your roadmap.
Also, you should consider attending the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit. Why?
- The Summit is a great place to network and benchmark with industry leaders and get new ideas to enhance your vision and roadmap.
- The Summit has a Best Practices Track titled: Creating a Superior Improvement Program. It has nine sessions to help you get new ideas to enhance your improvement efforts including a session on building your roadmap to success.
- Mark Paradies, President of System Improvements, is giving two talks that might be very valuable for your improvement efforts. They are:
When and where is the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit?
April 24-28, 2023
Margaritaville Lake Resort, Lake Conroe, Houston, Texas
CLICK HERE for more information.
Include Senior Management Training in Your Roadmap

Have your leadership attend a TapRooT® Executive Leadership Course. There is a public course being held on April 25, just before the Global TapRooT® Summit. Some of your management could stay to help with the development of the roadmap in that session at the Summit. They would also appreciate the five Summit Keynote Speakers…

We can also conduct on-site training for your senior management. CONTACT US for more information.
Learn Proactive Auditing
You may have noticed that we said that you can’t achieve a vision of success reactively. Most improvement programs start reactively. However, to achieve success, they must become more and more PROACTIVE.
How can you apply TapRooT® RCA proactively? Simple. Learn to use TapRooT® Proactively in this course:
2-Day Auditing & Proactive Improvement Using TapRooT® Course
Here is what Marcus Miller, the courses designer, has to say about the course:
And that course is also being held prior to the Summit on April 24-25.
Being Proactive Stopping Human Error
Another area where your improvement program needs to be proactive is in the area of human performance. And to help with that we created a course titled:
Stopping Human Error
This course is designed to help you develop a proactive human performance improvement program. It is also being held on April 25-26 at the Margaritaville Lake Resort.
Here is the course outline:
Day 1 (8:00am to 5:00pm)
- Foundations of Improving Human Performance
- Human Performance – What Should You Expect?
- Three Human Reliability Best Practices
- Mistake Proofing
- Resilience
- Safeguards
- Using TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis for Reactive Problem Analysis
- Human Performance Improvement Technology (Catch Your Own Mistakes)
- Questioning Attitude
- Attention to Detail
- Time Out
- Error Traps & Precursors
- Validate Assumptions
- Work Direction/Finding Error Likely Situations
- Pre-Job Hazard Analysis
- Pre-Job Brief
- Personal Safety Assessment
- Post-Job Brief
- Training
- Systematic Approach to Training
- Using Procedures to Improve Human Performance
- Procedures Best Practices
- Procedure Use and Adherence
- Place Keeping
Day 2 (8:00am to 5:00pm)
- Communications
- 3-Way Communication
- Do Not Disturb Sign
- Management System
- Conservative Decision Making
- Stopping Normalization of Deviation
- Quality Control
- Independent Verification
- Concurrent Verification
- Human Factors Engineering
- Best Practices (Spot Bad Practices)
- Proactive Use of CHAP
- Hazard/Target Elimination or Substitution
- Improvement Exercise
- What Should You Improve/Which Tools Will Work Best for You?
- Sample Plan
- Present Your Plan (Benchmarking/Feedback)
Someone who runs your human performance improvement program for your company should be at the course and build what they learn into the roadmap for success.
Tracking and Trending Performance
One more item that many people haven’t considered when developing their improvement program is tracking and trending performance to verify that improvement is occurring. And that’s an issue because we often find the trending techniques and graphs being used aren’t mathematically sound.
How can you tell if you are using the right advanced tracking and trending techniques?

First, you course read Book 8: Performance Measures and Trending for Safety, Quality, and Business Management. Just click on the title to order yours. What’s in the book? CLICK HERE for more information.
Also, you get the book when you attend the:
2-Day Measurement, Trending, and Predictive Analytics:
How to Best Use Data to Improve Work
Click on the title above for more information. The course is also being held on April 24-26 at the Margaritaville Lake Resort.

Kevin McManus is the instructor, and I know you will learn new, valuable ideas to help you use performance data to manage your company’s improvement efforts.
Get Started Making Your Plan
Wow! That’s a lot of information and ideas.
Now is a great time to make your resolution for improvement for 2023. Use the information above to get your plan (roadmap) started. And by the time the Summit is over in April, you should have a detailed, multi-year plan to turbocharge performance at your company and become the industry leader if that is your vision.
If you would like to discuss your vision of success and improvement initiatives, let’s start a conversation. Just call one of our TapRooT® Implementation Experts at 865-539-2139 or CLICK HERE to contact us.