11 Good Reasons that Key Managers Should Attend the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit (Either In-Person or Virtually)

Why Should Key Managers Attend the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit?
That’s an easy question to answer. They need to:
- Lead your improvement team
- Network and learn from other executives and performance improvement leaders from around the world
- Learn from the Keynote Speakers
- Learn from the Best Practices sessions
- Attend the Stopping Human Error Course by Mark Paradies and Alex Paradies
- Learn about leading with Emotional Intelligence from Barb Carr
- Hear About Admiral Rickover and Conservative Decision Making from Mark Paradies
- Hear other TapRooT® User Success Stories (best practices to implement)
- Learn from a regulator about how to use TapRoot® to keep your company out of court
- Learn how to STOP Normalization of Deviation
- Participate in developing your company’s improvement roadmap
That’s 11 good reasons that key managers should be at the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit.
Key Manager Leads the Team to the Summit
Get the most from the TapRooT® Summit. Bring a team. And have your key manager that leads your improvement efforts attend the Summit to lead the team.
- Because the key manager’s presence will show the team how important improvement is.
- We can set up a special private meeting for your team to discuss your most important issues.
- Your key manager will learn new techniques to make turbocharge your improvement program.
- At the end of the Summit, the key manager can lead the development of the improvement “Roadmap to Success” for your company.
To set up a private meeting for your company during the Summit, let us know that you are interested. The rooms for these meetings are limited and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis for companies bringing 10 or more participants to the Summit. Use this Contact link to let Alison know that you will have a large group and will need a private room for your meeting.
Team Discount
When you bring your team and the key manager to the Summit there is another advantage. Sign your team up all at once and you get a discount. How much? That depends on how many people you bring and if they attend just the Summit or the Summit and one of the pre-Summit courses. It could be as much as $600 off per participant (see the matrix below to calculate your savings).
See the pre-Summit Course list at this link:
What? Your team can have fun while learning and making improvements a priority.
We make learning fun and we know how to have fun while learning at the Global TapRooT® Summit.
If Einstein liked having fun while learning, shouldn’t you give it a try?
First, you will start the Summit by having fun at the first session when we play The Name Game and you win a prize for starting your Summit networking. Even virtual attendees can play this game.
And the Summit will be held in downtown Knoxville, Tennessee, where there is great food and great things to do.
What Do Previous Summit Attendees Have to Say?
When and Where is the Summit Being Held?
When: June 14-18.
Where: Knoxville, Tennessee, at the Knoxville Convention Center.
And because of COVID, you can attend in-person or virtually.
Use this link to get your folks registered:
Or call our office (865-539-2139) to arrange to register your team.
2021 Global TapRooT® Summit
Here are Mark and Benna giving a preliminary rundown on the Hybrid Summit…
Don’t miss this year’s amazing Global TapRooT® Summit. Get registered today!